Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Muslim Hate Crimes

From looking at the chart you can gather that there was a sharp rise in anti- islamic hate crimes in the united states after 9/11/2001. Before that date the amount of hate crimes in the united states against islamic americans was an incredibly low amount in comparison to after. I imagine that this is because of the "terrorist" attack on that date. It is said that it was an attack on america by "islamic terrorists". I believe that the country was confused, scared and didnt know how to react to something like this after being told "who" did it. The trend in the graph is that the anti-muslim hate crimes in america grew immensely after 9/11/2001. It spiked, grew to an incredibly high number, on that date specifically and although it decreased after in the following years it never returned to the low amount that it was before the date. I think this is important to everyone and shouldn't be something that we look past. By simply looking at this chart and summarizing the date displayed you can see how society will respond to a whole group of people based on the actions of few or based on what we are told by those who we consider to be the truth speakers/protectors of our society.  In other words at any given time if we are told by the media to hate a group of people because they did something horribly wrong we will naturally follow the media and what they tell us. I wish there was a back story to the blog or a specific area that this was posted about because i believe the number to be much higher than what is displayed on the chart.

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