Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chinese Girl In Ghetto

Ying Ma seems to be interested in issues about the economy, president Obama, and immigration most. From my perspective she posts mainly about things that are related to immigration and she thinks there shouldn't be illegal immigrants in the USA. I think her point of view on immigration and laws, especially things that obama backs, are a little ridiculous and i believe it goes against the "american dream" to deny rights to anyone who wants to create a life for them self in the USA. I personally believe her post about the big difference between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants is an invalid argument and that it makes her look biased and uneducated. As a legal immigrant i believe that anyone who is an illegal immigrant should be granted equal rights, to those i have, after coming to the USA.  Reading what she reposts and seeing her comments on posts just upsets me because for a seemingly "Educated" person her mindset is scary. Omi and Winant would say that her paradigm of the way she views the immigration of people to the USA and her view on the economy is based on a racial project where she seems to place her expectations and stereotypes onto people without taking into consideration the meaning of her words and thoughts and the effect they may have on society. I personally believe that she has done her best to assimilate into american culture and that she has forgotten her upbringing. The "core" of her upbringing.

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